SmartNode 4520 and 4110 Series
VoIP Gateway Routers
Quick Start Guide
Approval—Models that are equipped with FXO interfaces have been
approved for connection to the public telecommunication network.
Zulassung—Modelle, die mit FXO Schnittstellen ausgerüstet sind, sind
für Anschaltung an das öffentliche Telekommunikationsnetz genehmigt.
Approvazione—I modelli che sono dotato con le interfacce di FXO
sono stato approvato per collegamento alla rete di
telecomunicazion pubblica.
Aprobación—Los modelos que se equipan los interfaces de FXO se han
aprobado para la conexión a la red de telecomunicación pública.
Approbation—Des modéles qui sont équipés des interfaces de FXO ont
été approuvés pour le raccordement au réseau de télécommunication public.
Document Number: 13202U7-001 Rev. C
Part Number: 07MSN4000-QS
Revised: March 27, 2006
Sales Office: +1 (301) 975-1000
Technical Support: +1 (301) 975-1007
2.0 Connect the SmartNode to your PC
Note For factory default IP address information, see Appendix A.0 on page 8.
Option 1: Connect to a network that has a DHCP server (SN4520 &
SN4110). Using the included black Ethernet cable, connect the SmartNode RJ-45
Ethernet WAN port, labeled ETH0/0 (see figure 1), to an Ethernet hub or switch
on the same network as your PC. WAN interface ETH0/0 is configured as
DHCP client.
TH 0/0
Ethernet Hub
or Switch
Figure 1. Connecting the SmartNode to your PC through a hub or switch
ETH 0/0
Figure 2. Connecting the SmartNode directly to your PC
Option 2: Connect directly to a PC (SN4520 only).
LAN interface ETH0/1 is configured as DHCP server (see figure 2).
1. Configure your PC as a DHCP client.
Note The procedures below are for Microsoft Windows. For another operating
system, refer to the operating instruction that came with your PC.
SmartNode 4520 and 4110 Quick Start Guide
2. Right-click on My Network Places and select Properties in the context menu
(see figure 3).
Figure 3. Displaying the Network Connections window
Figure 4. Displaying the Internet Properties (TCP/IP) Properties window
3. Double-click on Local Area Connection and click on Properties to open
the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window (see figure 4).
4. Select Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address
automatically options.
5. Click OK to save changes and close the properties windows.
6. Using the included black Ethernet cable, connect the SmartNode RJ-45
Ethernet LAN port labeled ETH0/1 directly to the Ethernet port on your PC
(see figure 2 on page 3).
SmartNode 4520 and 4110 Quick Start Guide
Option 3: Connect the SmartNode console port to your PC
(SN4520 & SN4110). If your PC has an RS-232 serial COM port, you may use
it to connect the SmartNode Console port. Refer to the SmartNode 4110/4520
Getting Started Guide located on the CD-ROM shipped with your SmartNode for
the procedure.
3.0 Start the SmartNode Discovery Tool
1. Insert the CD included with your SmartNode into the CD drive on your PC.
2. Copy the file named SNDiscovery.exe from the CD to your PC.
3. At your PC, double-click the SNDiscovery.exe file name to activate the tool.
The SmartNode Discovery Tool window will display the IP Address, MAC
Address, Device Type (model number) and Build (software release) of your
If your SmartNode does not appear:
• Make sure the SmartNode and your PC are on the same routed subnet
• Make sure any firewall programs on your PC are disabled
SmartNode 4520 and 4110 Quick Start Guide
4.0 Access the Command Line Interface
1. In the Discovery Tool window, select the IP address of your SmartNode.
2. Right-click the selected line, and select Telnet.
3. In the telnet window, enter the username administrator. At the password
prompt simply press the enter key. The SmartNode will respond by display-
ing its IP address as the command line prompt.
4. After you log in your SmartNode will be running in operator execution>enable
You may now start to configure the SmartNode from scratch using the CLI com-
mands, but we recommend that you start your configuration from a template. See
section 5.0 “Download a configuration example, adapt it to your network, and
load it onto the SmartNode” on page 7 for further details.
For a detailed description of the CLI refer to the SmartWare Software Configura-
tion Guide (SCG) available on the CD-ROM and online at
SmartNode 4520 and 4110 Quick Start Guide
5.0 Download a configuration example, adapt it to your network,
and load it onto the SmartNode
Patton provides a collection of configuration templates on the CD-ROM shipped
with your SmartNode device—and also on the support page at
plates should be similar to your application so that you can use it to speed up con-
figuring the SmartNode. Simply download to your PC the configuration note that
most closely matches your application. Adapt the configuration as described in
the configuration note to your network (remember to modify the IP address) and
copy the modified configuration to a TFTP server. The SmartNode can now load its
configuration from this server.
Note Patton regularly adds new configuration templates to the collection at
application on the CD-ROM, it may have been added to the website. In addi-
tion, provides a library
of configuration templates for popular SmartNode services and features.
Note If your application is unique and not covered by any of Patton’s configura-
tion templates, you can manually configure the SmartNode instead of load-
ing a configuration file template. In that case, refer to the SmartNode
Series SmartWare Software Configuration Guide for information on con-
figuring the SmartNode device.
In this example we assume an TFTP server resides on the host with the IP address and the configuration file named SN.cfg resides in the root directory
of the TFTP server.[eth0]#copy tftp:// startup-
After you reboot the SmartNode the new startup configuration will become active.
When you issue the reload command, the SmartNode will ask
if you want to copy the running configuration to the startup
configuration. Since you just downloaded a configuration file
to the startup configuration you must answer this question with
NO. Otherwise, the downloaded configuration will be over-
written and lost!
Running configuration has been changed.
Do you want to copy the 'running-config' to the 'startup-config'?
Press 'yes' to store, 'no' to drop changes : no
Press 'yes' to restart, 'no' to cancel : yes
The system is going down
SmartNode 4520 and 4110 Quick Start Guide
6.0 Additional Information
Refer to the SmartNode Series SmartWare Software Configuration Guide and
the SmartNode Getting Started Guide located on the CD-ROM shipped with
detailed information about:
• Installing, configuring, operating, and troubleshooting.
• Warranty, trademark & compliance
The CD-ROM also includes many freeware and shareware tools, including TFTP
servers, and Telnet clients.
A.0 Factory default IP address information
IP Addresss(es)
Network Mask
WAN interface Ethernet 0 (ETH 0/0) DHCP client
DHCP client
LAN interface Ethernet 1 (ETH 0/1)
*DHCP server address range–
The SmartNode 4520 factory-default configuration includes a DHCP server run-
ning on the ETH 0/1. All Ethernet ports are pre-configured and active.
B.0 Customer and Technical Support
Toll-Free VoIP support: call with a VoIP SIP client
Online support:
Telephone support:
• Standard: +1 (301) 975-1007 (USA), Monday–Friday: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
EST (1300 to
2200 UTC/GMT)
• Alternate: +41 (0)31 985 25 55 (Switzerland), Monday–Friday: 8:00 am to
5:00 pm CET (0900 to 1800 UTC/GMT)
Fax: +1 (253) 663-5693 (USA) or +41 (0)31 985 25 26 (Switzerland)
SmartNode 4520 and 4110 Quick Start Guide
C.0 Compliance Information
C.1 Compliance
EMC Compliance:
• FCC Part 15, Class A
• EN55022, Class A
• EN55024
Safety Compliance:
• UL60950-1/CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1
• IEC 60950-1
• EN60950-1
• AS/NZS 60950-1
PSTN Regulatory Compliance:
• FCC Part 68
• CS-03
• TBR-21
• AS/ACIF S002
• AS/ACIF S003
C.2 Radio and TV interference
The SmartNode router generates and uses radio frequency energy, and if not
installed and used properly—that is, in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions—may cause interference to radio and television reception. The Smart-
Node router have been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
computing device in accordance with specifications in Subpart B of Part 15 of
FCC rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection from such inter-
ference in a commercial installation. However, there is no guarantee that interfer-
ence will not occur in a particular installation. If the SmartNode router does cause
interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by discon-
necting the unit, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or
more of the following measures: moving the computing equipment away from the
receiver, re-orienting the receiving antenna and/or plugging the receiving equip-
ment into a different AC outlet (such that the computing equipment and receiver
are on different branches).
SmartNode 4520 and 4110 Quick Start Guide
C.3 FCC Part 68 (ACTA) statement (FXO ports)
This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules and the requirements
adopted by ACTA. On the bottom side of this equipment is a label that contains—
among other information—a product identifier in the format
US:AAEQ##TXXXX. If requested, this number must be provided to the tele-
phone company.
The method used to connect this equipment to the premises wiring and telephone
network must comply with the applicable FCC Part 68 rules and requirements
adopted by the ACTA.
If this equipment causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company
will notify you in advance that temporary discontinuance of service may be
required. But if advance notice isn’t practical, the telephone company will notify
the customer as soon as possible. Also, you will be advised of your right to file a
complaint with the FCC if you believe it is necessary.
The telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations
or procedures that could affect the operation of the equipment. If this happens the
telephone company will provide advance notice in order for you to make neces-
sary modifications to maintain uninterrupted service.
If trouble is experienced with this equipment, for repair or warranty information,
please contact our company. If the equipment is causing harm to the telephone
network, the telephone company may request that you disconnect the equipment
until the problem is resolved.
Connection to party line service is subject to state tariffs. Contact the state public
utility commission, public service commission or corporation commission
for information
C.4 Industry Canada Notice (FXO ports)
This equipment meets the applicable Industry Canada Terminal Equipment Techni-
cal Specifications. This is confirmed by the registration number. The abbreviation
IC before the registration number signifies that registration was performed based
on a Declaration of Conformity indicating that Industry Canada technical specifi-
cations were met. It does not imply that Industry Canada approved the equipment.
This Declaration of Conformity means that the equipment meets certain telecom-
munications network protective, operational and safety requirements. The Depart-
ment does not guarantee the equipment will operate to the user’s satisfaction.
Before installing the equipment, users should ensure that it is permissible to be
connected to the facilities of the local telecommunications company. The equip-
ment must also be installed using an acceptable method of connection. In some
cases, the company’s inside wiring associated with a single line individual service
may be extended by means of a certified connector assembly (telephone exten-
sion cord). The customer should be aware that compliance with the above condi-
tion may not prevent degradation of service in some situations. Repairs to some
certified equipment should be made by an authorized maintenance facility desig-
nated by the supplier. Any repairs or alterations made by the user to this equip-
SmartNode 4520 and 4110 Quick Start Guide
ment, or equipment malfunctions, may give the telecommunications company
cause to request the user to disconnect the equipment. Users should ensure for
their own protection that the ground connections of the power utility, telephone
lines and internal metallic water pipe system, are connected together. This protec-
tion may be particularly important in rural areas.
C.5 EC Declaration of Conformity
(See section C.7 “EG-Konformitätserklärung” for German version.)
Product Description: SmartNode 4110 and 4520 Series
The products described above in the form as delivered are in conformity with the
provisions of the following European Directive:
R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC
Guidelines of the European Parliament and the Committee for the Har-
monization of the Legal Regulations of the Member States concerning
radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment and the
mutual recognition of their conformity.
The safety advice in the documentation accompanying the
products shall be obeyed. The conformity to the above directive
is indicated by the CE sign on the device.
The signed Declaration of Conformity can be downloaded from
C.6 Approval
Models that are equipped with FXO ports have been approved for connection to the
public telecommunication network.
C.7 EG-Konformitätserklärung
(see section C.5 “EC Declaration of Conformity” for English version)
Produktbezeichnung: SmartNode 4110 und 4520
Die bezeichneten Produkte stimmen in der von uns in Verkehr gebrachten
Ausführung mit den Vorschriften folgender Richtlinie überein:
R&TTE 1999/5/EG
Richtlinie des europäischen Parlaments und des Rates zur Angleichung
der Rechtsvorschriften der Mitgliedstaaten über Funkanlagen und
Telekommunikations-Endeinrichtungen und die gegenseitige
Anerkennung ihrer Konformität.
Die Sicherheitshinweise in der mitgelieferten
Produktdokumentation sind zu beachten. Die Konformität mit
der oben erwähnten Richtlinie wird durch das CE-Zeichen auf
dem Gerät bestätigt.
SmartNode 4520 and 4110 Quick Start Guide
Die unterzeichnete Konformitätserklärung kann heruntergeladen werden von:
C.8 Zulassung
Der SmartNode ist für die Anschaltung an das öffentliche Telekommunikationsnetz
zugelassen. Er darf durch jedermann an eine FXO Schnittstelle angeschlossen und
in Betrieb genommen werden.
Copyright statement
Copyright © 2005–2006, Patton Electronics Company. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Patton Elec-
tronics assumes no liability for errors that may appear in this document.
Trademarks statement
The term SmartNode is a trademark of Patton Electronics Company. All other
trademarks presented in this document are the property of their
respective owners.
For warranty information, refer to the Models SN4110 and SN4520 Series Get-
ting Started Guide located on the CD-ROM that came with your IAD or available
In accordance with the requirements of council directive
2002/96/EC on Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment
(WEEE), ensure that at end-of-life you separate this product
from other waste and scrap and deliver to the WEEE collection
system in your country for recycling.
SmartNode 4520 and 4110 Quick Start Guide
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