Po w e r in g Up
Pl a y in g a Disc
Sound skips.
Disc is damaged.
Insert a new disc.
Excessive external vibration. Find a more stable position.
There are three ways to power your CD player:
1. Connect the headphones via the PHONES (green) jack and turn the volume all the way down.
2. Press the OPEN button to open the CD compartment door and insert the CD of your choice
making sure the label side is facing up.
Disc is in place, player is in
Requires headphones
play mode, but still no sound. or external amplifier.
Put on headphones.
Adjust volume.
Ba t t e r y O p e r a t io n
3. Press the “PUSH CLOSE” mark on the right side of the CD compartment door to close it.
4. Slide the HOLD switch to the “off” position.
5. Press the PLAY/PAUSE button to begin CD play.
The LCD will show the total number of tracks and playing time of the loaded disc before starting
to play it. During play, the LCD will show the current track number and its elapsed playing time.
6. Adjust the volume to your desired level.
7. Press the PLAY/PAUSE button again to temporarily suspend disc activity. The LCD will flash.
Press the button a third time to resume disc activity.
Poor connections.
Check connections.
f o r a l k a l in e b a t t e r ie s:
PAUSE is active.
Press PLAY/PAUSE to put in play
1. Slide the battery door on the bottom of the unit to the left to open.
2. Insert 2 "AA" batteries with the correct polarities into the battery compartment.
3. Close the battery door.
Unit will not scan the disc.
Play is erratic
Batteries are weak.
Replace batteries or try AC/DC
NOTE: The unit will not work, and the batteries will be drained and/or depleted if not inserted as shown above.
Dirty or damaged disc.
Replace or clean the disc.
Fo r n ic k e l -c a d m iu m (N ICAD) b a t t e r ie s:
8. Press the STOP button to end all disc activity.
Ca r e a n d M a in t e n a n c e
This unit is equipped with battery recharging circuitry. For safety measures, it requires two
specifically made NICAD (nickle-cadmium) batteries. Use ONLY the following rechargeable battery
NOTE: This unit is capable of playing a 3" CD single without an adapter.
Do not touch the laser lens.
Temperature changes can cause condensation to form on the laser lens. If condensation forms on the
lens, leave the disc compartment door open (with no disc) for an hour to remove condensation.
Exposure to direct sunlight or extreme heat (such as inside a car parked in the sun) can cause
damage or malfunction.
To prevent dust from reaching internal parts, keep the disc compartment door closed when not
in use (except when necessary to remove condensation).
It is always a good idea to let nickel-cadmium batteries run all the way down before charging
them. Then when you do charge them, do so to their full potential and they will last longer and
provide more power.
Re p e a t Pl a y
t o r e p e a t o n e :
1. Press the P.MODE button until the Repeat 1 indicator (
1) is displayed.
To c h a r g e n ic a d b a t t e r ie s:
1. Install nickel-cadmium batteries as instructed above.
2. Connect the AC adapter to the DC 6V input jack.
2. Choose the track you want to hear using the SKIP/SEARCH buttons, then press the PLAY/PAUSE
button to start play mode.
The unit will play the selected track to its end, automatically return to its beginning and play it again.
Do not place objects on top of the player.
WARNING: Use the DC 6V input jack only if you have rechargeable nickel-cadmium batteries
If you try to recharge non-rechargeable batteries, you may cause serious injury to yourself and/
or severely damage the CD player.
Cl e a n in g t h e La se r Le n s
It’s important that you periodically clean the laser lens, especially when dust or
fingerprints are evident. Not cleaning the laser lens can result in inferior sound
quality or no sound at all. To clean the lens, follow these directions:
To r e p e a t a l l :
Press the P.MODE button until the Repeat All indicator (
ALL) is displayed.
The unit will play the disc from start to finish, return to the beginning and play it again.
3. Plug the AC adapter into an AC wall outlet and the CHARGING indicator lights up. The
batteries are now being recharged while the unit draws power from the AC wall outlet.
1. Turn off the unit’s power.
Ra n d o m Pl a y
Press the P.MODE button until the Random indicator is displayed. The unit will play all tracks out
of sequence once.
le n s
2. Open the disc compartment and remove the disc (if there is one).
3. Clean the lens with a soft brush or use a camera air blower brush.
4. After 15 hours (approx.), unplug the adapter from the wall outlet and disconnect it from the unit.
NOTE: DO NOT charge for more than 24 hours. Excessive charging may adversely affect the performance of the
4. If you still are not able to remove dirt particles, moisten a cotton swab with
isopropyl alcohol and gently apply to the face of the laser lens, rubbing gently until all traces
of dirt are removed.
rechargeable batteries.
In t r o Pl a y
AC Ad a p t e r Op e r a t io n
You can power your CD player with the AC adapter from any AC
outlet (110-120V 50/60Hz). You can also recharge NiCad batteries
when they are installed in the battery compartment while the unit is operating by AC power.
1. Press the P.MODE button until the Intro indicator flashes in the display.
2. Press the PLAY/PAUSE button to activate the Intro feature.
The unit will play the first 10 seconds of each track on the disc and then stop automatically.
H a n d l in g Co m pa c t Disc s
To get the best possible sound from your compact discs, you need to keep them clean. Note the
following guidelines regarding the use and care of compact discs:
D C I N 3 V
Don’t touch the playing surface (the side without the label).
Pr o g r a m Pl a y
To use the AC adapter, insert the plug of the adapter into the DC IN 6V jack on the right side of
the unit. Plug the adapter into an AC wall outlet.
Don’t store discs in places with high temperatures or high humidity—they can become warped.
Don’t put tape or any other adhesives on either side of the disc.
Don’t use cleaners or anti-static sprays on discs, such as those used on conventional
phonograph records.
1. Press the P.MODE button until the program indicator “M” flashes in the display.
2. Press the SKIP/SEARCH buttons to choose the track you want to hear.
3. Press the SET button to store the track number in that memory location. The next memory
location will flash in the display.
4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 to store up to 22 tracks.
5. Press the PLAY/PAUSE button to start the Program Play mode.
When the last track has played, the unit will automatically stop.
NOTE: The CD player won’t run on batteries if the AC adapter is still plugged into the DC IN 6V jack.
Fe d e r a l Co m m u n ic a t io n s Co m m issio n (FCC)
In f o r m a t io n
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any
interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Always store each disk in its case and not in the CD player.
Before playing a disc, wipe any dust or fingerprints from the playback surface with a soft cloth.
Wipe from the hub to the edge with a straight motion.
Ca r (DC) p o w e r su p p l y a d a p t e r
Plug the Car (DC) power supply adapter into the DC IN 6V jack
on the right side of the CD player, and then into the cigarette
lighter receptacle in your car.
Pr e c a u t io n s
Never open the cabinet under any circumstances. Any repairs or internal adjustments should be
made only by a trained technician.
In accordance with FCC requirements, changes or modifications not expressly approved by
Thomson Consumer Electronics could void the user’s authority to operate this product.
Pr o g r a m r e p e a t p l a y
1. Press the P.MODE button until the program repeat indicator (
2. Follow Steps 2-5 above.
When the last track has finished playing, the unit will automatically return to the beginning of
the program and play it again.
M) flashes in the display.
Wa r n in g : Never operate this product with the cabinet removed.
Do not touch the player with wet hands. If any liquid enters the player cabinet, take the player
to a trained technician for inspection.
This compact disc player uses a laser to read the music on the disc. The laser mechanism
corresponds to the cartridge and stylus of a record player. Although this product incorporates
a laser pick-up lens, it is completely safe when operated according to directions.
Discs rotate at high speed inside the player. Do not use damaged, warped, or cracked discs.
This device generates and uses radio frequency (RF) energy, and if not installed and used properly,
this equipment may cause interference to radio and television reception.
Usin g H e a d p h o n e s
If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception (which you can
determine by turning the equipment off and on), try to correct the interference by one or more of
the following measures:
Your CD player has been equipped
with a PHONES (green) jack on the
left side of the unit. Insert the
plug of the headphone set into the
jack for private listening.
Have a Blast – Just Not in Your Eardrums
Make sure you turn dow n the volume on the unit
before you put on headphones. Increase the volume to
the desired level only after headphones are in place.
To c h e c k p r o g r a m p l a y l ist
1. Press the P.MODE button until the program memory indicator “M” appears in the display.
Reorient the receiving antenna (that is, the antenna for the radio or television that is
“receiving” the interference).
Move the unit away from the equipment that is receiving interference.
Plug the unit into a different wall outlet so that the unit and the equipment receiving
interference are on different branch circuits.
2. Press the SET button to scroll through the programmed tracks one by one in order.
To c h a n g e t h e p r o g r a m m e d p l a y l ist
1. Press the SET button to find the track you want to replace.
2. Select a new track by pressing one of the SKIP/SEARCH buttons.
3. Press the SET button again to set the changes.
Co n n e c t in g t o Au d io Sy st e m s
Se r v ic e In f o r m a t io n
If these measures do not eliminate the interference, please consult your dealer or an experienced
radio/television technician for additional suggestions. Also, the Federal Communications
Commission has prepared a helpful booklet, “How To Identify and Resolve Radio TV Interference
Problems.” This booklet is available from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC
20402. Please specify stock number 004-000-00345-4 when ordering copies.
Your CD player has been equipped with a LINE OUT (black) jack on the left side of the unit to allow it
to operate in conjunction with another audio system. Using an audio line cable - not included - plug
one end into the LINE OUT (black) jack on your CD player and other into the CD/AUX input(s) jack on
the audio system.
This product should be serviced only by those specially trained in appropriate servicing techniques.
4. To start the Program Play mode, press the PLAY/PAUSE button.
Fo r Yo u r Re c o r d s
In the event that service should be required, you may need both the model number and the serial
number. In the space below, record the date and place of purchase, and the serial number:
This product complies with DHHS Rules 21 CFR Subchapter J. Applicable at the date of
To c l e a r t h e p r o g r a m m e d c o n t e n t s
Press the STOP button or OPEN button to clear the program.
f e a t u r e s
Date of Purchase ___________________________________________________________________________
Place of Purchase __________________________________________________________________________
Serial No. _________________________________________________________________________________
List e n in g t o CDS in y o u r c a r
Ad j u st in g t h e l in e c o r d
Use the dial on the left side of the player to control the volume. Remember that you should always
set the volume to the minimum level before putting on your headphones, and then adjust the setting
to a desired level.
P.O. Box 1976, Indianapolis, IN 46206
© 1998 Thomson Consumer Electronics, Inc.
Trademark(s) ® Registered
Model RP-2215
20906610 (E/S Rev. 1)
Lim it e d Wa r r a n t y
Printed in Hong Kong
Marca(s) Registrada(s)
Because tape decks vary, you may need to adjust the line cord on the Cassette adapter
in order to get the cassette adapter to fit correctly into your car’s tape deck.
Insert the plug of the headphone set into the PHONES (green) jack on the left side of the unit.
Wh a t yo u r w a rra n t y co ve rs:
• Any defect in material or workmanship.
Fo r h o w lo n g a ft e r t h e o rig in a l p u rch a se :
1. Gently pull the cord out of the restraining channel.
2. Change the cord orientation to fit your car stereo orientation.
3. Push the cord into place in the restraining channel.
Im p o r t a n t Ba t t e r y In f o r m a t io n
Press the PLAY/PAUSE button once to begin Play mode. Press again to pause play. The track number
will flash in the display while the disc is paused. Press a third time to resume Play mode.
Do not mix different types of batteries, such as an alkaline with a NiCad, or use new batteries
with old ones.
Be sure to follow the polarity (+/-) diagram in the battery compartment when installing
batteries. Reversing polarity may damage the batteries or the unit.
Alkaline batteries are good for about 10 hours of continuous CD play. Rechargeable batteries
substantially reduce play time.
For safety measures, it requires two specially made NICAD (nickle-cadmium) batteries. Use
ONLY the following rechargeable battery types: KENWOOD NB-77, KENWOOD NB-88 pr
RP 7925
• One year.
(The warranty period for rental units begins with the first rental or 45 days from date of
shipment to the rental firm, whichever comes first.)
Wh a t w e w ill d o :
• Provide you with a new or, at our option, a refurbished unit.
• The exchange unit is warranted for the remainder of your product’s original warranty period.
Ho w t o m a ke a w a rra n t y cla im :
p l a y in g c o m pa c t d isc s
Press the STOP button once to stop Play mode, after which power will turn off automatically.
1. Select a power source (either battery power or the Car DC adapter)-see “Powering Up”.
2. Insert the Cassette adapter into the tape deck, and plug the cord into the CD
player’s PHONES (green) jack (located on the left side of the unit).
3. Set your car stereo volume to a low level.
4. Insert a compact disc and press PLAY. Adjust CD player’s volume to a mid level
(make sure DBBS is turned off).
5. Use the car stereo to adjust the volume, tone, etc. You may need to adjust the
volume on your CD player if you hear clicks or other distortion.
6. Before ejecting the cassette when you’re finished, make sure the car stereo’s
volume is turned down.
once to skip to the beginning of the current track or repeatedly to skip to previous tracks.
Press and hold during play to search backward at high speed within the current track. Play resumes
when button is released.
• Properly pack your unit. Include any cables, etc., which were originally provided with the
product.We recommend using the original carton and packaging materials.
• Remove cassette tapes or CDs from unit before shipping as these will not be returned.
• Include in the package evidence of purchase date, such as the bill of sale. Also print your
name and address and a description of the defect. Send standard UPS or its equivalent to:
Th o m so n Co n su m e r Ele ct ro n ics, In c.
once to skip forward to the beginning of the next track or repeatedly to skip forward to
Using nickel-cadmium rechargeable batteries may result in shorter playing time. It is always a
good idea to let the nickel-cadmium batteries run all the way down before charging them.
Then when you do charge them, do so to their full potential and they will last longer and
provide more power.
the beginning of other tracks. Press and hold during play to search forward at high speed within the
current track. Play resumes when button is released.
DBBS (Dy n a m ic Ba ss Bo o st Sy st e m )
DBBS is used to enhance low frequency (bass) levels. Make sure you set the volume to minimum
before activating the DBBS, then adjust to your desired level.
Rechargeable batteries other than nickel-cadmium are not recommended. They may not
activate the battery charging circuitry.
If you’re not going to use your player for a month or more, be sure to remove batteries
because they can leak and damage the unit.
Pro d u ct Exch a n g e Ce n t e r
32B Sp u r Drive
El Pa so , Te xa s 79906
Re m o v in g a Disc
Press during play to choose various play modes available. Press once to Repeat One track. Press again
to Repeat All tracks. Press three times to activate the INTRO feature and hear the first 10 seconds of
each track on the CD. Press four times to play the tracks in Random order. Press five times to activate
Program Repeat and six times to activate Program Play.
Rechargeable batteries may slowly lose their charge when stored, therefore an initial charge
may be required before use.
Dispose of batteries in the proper manner, according to federal, state, and local regulations.
Any battery may leak electrolyte if mixed with a different battery type, if inserted incorrectly,
if all batteries are not replaced at the same time, if disposed of in fire, or if an attempt is made
to charge a battery not intended to be recharged.
Discard leaky batteries immediately. Leaking batteries can cause skin burns or other personal
Remember that battery life is directly correlational to volume and bass listening levels. If you
use the volume and bass features at maximum levels, your batteries will operate at maximum
• Pay any charges billed to you by the Exchange Center for service not covered by the
• Insure your shipment in case of loss or damage. Thomson accepts no liability in case of
damage or loss.
1. Press the STOP button to end all disc activity.
2. Press the OPEN button to open the CD compartment door.
3. Grasp the CD by its edge while gently press down on the unit's center spindle.
4. Lift the CD from the edge and remove it from the compartment.
• A new or refurbished unit will be shipped to you by prepaid freight.
Wh a t yo u r w a rra n t y d o e s n o t co ve r:
Use this switch to prevent accidental activation of unwanted functions while the unit is in Play or
Stop mode. The " on" position disables all function buttons, while the " off" position enables all
function buttons for normal operation.
• Customer instruction. Your owner's manual provides information regarding the operating
instructions and user controls. For additional information, ask your dealer.
• Installation and setup service adjustments
• Batteries
• Damage from misuse or neglect
Tr o u b l e sh o o t in g Gu id e
LCD (Liq u id Cr y st a l Disp l a y )
The LCD will always display the number and elapsed time of the track playing while the disc is active.
Disc is in place,
but won’t play.
No power.
Make sure power adapter is
getting power from outlet or
install fresh batteries.
Insert disc with label up.
Clean the disc or try another
Replace batteries or try AC/DC
Remove adapter from player to
In pause mode, the elapsed time will flash. The battery symbol (
) is displayed when the unit is
• Products that have been modified or incorporated into other products.
• Product purchased or serviced outside the USA
being powered by batteries. ( ) blinks in the display when batteries are weak or running low.
H e a d se t Sa f e t y
Disc is in upside down.
Disc is dirty.
• Acts of God, such as but not limited to lightning damage.
Pro d u ct Re g ist ra t io n :
a n t i sk ip (e l e c t r o n ic sk ip p r o t e c t io n )
Do n o t p la y yo u r h e a d se t a t a h ig h vo lu m e . Hearing experts advise against continuous
extended play.
If you experience a ringing in your ears, reduce volume or discontinue use.
Do not use while operating a motorized vehicle or bicycle, it may create a traffic hazard and is
illegal in many areas.
You should use extreme caution or temporarily discontinue use in potentially hazardous
Even if your headset is an open-air type designed to let you hear outside sounds, don’t turn
up the volume so high that you can’t hear what’s around you.
The Electronic Skip Protection (ESP) system keeps your CDs from skipping when the player is jarred.
Note that ESP consumes additional power and wears down batteries more quickly. Thus it is
recommended to set the ESP off when the player is used in vibration-free situations.
• Please complete and mail the Product Registration Card packed with your unit. It will make it
easier to contact you should it ever be necessary. The return of the card is not required for
warranty coverage.
Batteries are weak.
Press the ANTI SKIP button to activate the feature. The ESP symbol appears in the LCD and fills up
with dots as the player stores music into memory. When the player is jarred, the memory is used and
the dots on the ESP symbol disappear one at a time. If the player undergoes continual jarring that
clears all of the dots, the music stops until the memory can be filled again; then it continues playing
where it left off.
Adapter plugged into jack
but not into power source. use with batteries, or plug into
Ho w st a t e la w re la t e s t o t h is w a rra n t y:
• This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary
from state to state.
If yo u p u rch a se d yo u r p ro d u ct o u t sid e o f t h e U.S.A:
• This warranty does not apply. Contact your dealer for warranty information.
CD door is not closed tightly. Close door tightly.
Disc not seated correctly.
Press down firmly .
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